During the week of 10th May 2010, Swansea University’s Egypt Centreand the Centre for Egyptology and Mediterranean Archaeology will be hosting a conference aimed at bringing together all those interested in the practice of ancient Egyptian technology. Through a series of lectures, workshops and practical demonstrations we will explore the value of a hands-on approach to understanding the past. This willinclude experimental archaeology as well as experiential approaches—although disparate in method and goal, both serve a valid purpose inthe transference of knowledge and shaping our understanding of the past. Experimental archaeology has the potential to be a powerfulscientific research tool to help us understand ancient technologyand, together with experiential archaeology, is a perfect medium foreducation and widening participation. The audience for the conference will be wide-ranging, including academics, craftspeople, the generalpublic, and students. By its nature the conference, while focussingon Ancient Egypt, will be interdisciplinary and involve the humanities, arts, and sciences. Along with an edited volume, weintend to podcast parts of the conference, and even host anexhibition at the Egypt Centre. At one level, we hope the conferencewill provoke discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of experimental archaeology, while on another level bring together specialists in Egyptology, materials, and crafts, all the while demonstrating that the transfer of specialist knowledge can be accomplished in ways that involve all members of the community. The audience for the conference will be wide-ranging, includingacademics, craftspeople, the general public, and students.To date the following people have kindly agreed to offer a paper and/or demonstrations:
- Willeke Wendrich (basketry)
- Hans Barnard (ceramics)
- Sally McAleely (flowers)
- Paul Nicholson (glass)
- Richard Parkinson (literature)
- Dennis Stock (stone)
- Ann Richards (textiles).
If you wish to express an interest in the conference, either in attending or in presenting a paper or demonstration please contacteither Kasia Szpakowska (
k.szpakowska@swansea.ac.uk) or CarolynGraves-Brown (
c.a.graves-brown@swansea.ac.uk). Information will be posted on the University's web site at