Friday, 2 September 2011

Looking for a new host for the next International Congress ofEgyptologists (ICE)

In view of the transitional situation in Egypt, our Egyptian colleagueshave decided that it is in the best interests of the IAE to cancel theInternational Congress of Egyptologists they had planned to host in 2012in Cairo. The IAE is grateful to our Egyptian colleagues for thepreliminary work they have put into the planned Congress and we wish themwell in all their future endeavors. We look forward to the day when theCongress can return to Egypt.Accordingly, the IAE will welcome proposals from organizations for hostingthe next Congress in another venue. Please send all proposals andinquiries to the Secretary General of the IAE. Timing of the Congress willbe up to the host organization, but in order to ensure continuity shouldbe no later than 2016. All proposals will be posted on the IAE website andwill be voted on by IAE members.Deadline for proposals is December 31, 2011, and voting will commence inJanuary 2012.
James P. Allen
President of the IAE