Αντιγράφω από ΕΕF (11/2/09): "Illuminated only by torches and camera lights, Egyptian laborersused crowbars and picks Wednesday to lift the lid off a 2,600-year-old limestone sarcophagus, exposing - for the first time since it was sealed in antiquity - a perfectly preserved mummy. (..) Hawass said he believes the mummy in the limestone sarcophagus belonged to a nobleman, but so far the mummies' identities remain a mystery. (..) The lid of the limestone sarcophagus opened Wednesday had been broken in antiquity - likely by workers carrying it down into the chamber - and resealed with mortar, Hawass said, tracing the crack. Hawassadded that he plans to scan the mummy soon (..)Also Wednesday, Hawass opened another sarcophagus in the storeroom, a wooden coffin with an inscription in hieroglyphs on the lid that exposed another mummy, but stopped short of opening a third, also a wooden one, because of its poor condition. (..)"
"(..) The well-preserved mummy, which escaped plunder by thievesin ancient times, could contain scores of gold amulets in the folds of its linen wrappings, Egypt's chief archeologist Zahi Hawass said."It is a typical mummy of the 26th dynasty...(..) Hawass said themummy found in the sarcophagus, believed to be the original owner of the burial room, would undergo scans to determine if it did contain amulets. (..) Hawass said the mummy's burial room [was]built via a shaft next to a much older burial chamber. (..) The finds also included two anthropoid wood coffins with hieroglyphicinscriptions. Hawass found a 26th dynasty mummy in one of the wood coffins when he opened it on Wednesday after brushing away loose sand. The other wood coffin was deemed too fragile, and would be opened later after conservation efforts. (..)"
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