Sunday, 22 February 2009

Βασιλικός Κατάλογος του Τορίνο συνέχεια (βλ. προηγούμενο post)

Αναδημοσιεύω εδώ, από σχετικά posts στο EEF, μία σύνοψη του σχετικού με την ανακάλυψη χαμένων σπαραγμάτων από το Βασιλικό Κατάλογο του Τορίνο άρθρου στην Ιταλική εφημερίδα La Stampa (βλ. προηγούμενο post).

"According to the article, the "expedition" to the basement of the museum and the discovery of part of the missing pieces was triggered by Dr. Parkinson, who relaying on the content of the "Royal Canon of Turin", written by Alan H. Gardiner in 1959 and in possession of the Griffith Institute, started believing in the existence - possibly by the museum - of pieces (described in Gardiner notes) currently missing from the reconstruction operated by Giulio Farina in 1938. And apparently (should read surprisingly?) it wasn't difficult to locate these pieces, stored inside an closet in the basement, part of which was already encased in glass.No reference is made concerning the the content of these pieces. Yet, the first examination seems to confirm the intuition that the reconstruction of Farina is not fully correct and will need to be fixed. The belief is that "It is a huge discovery and that ... there will be the need to correct the dates of the dynasties and possibly to add some more names..."

Και οι πρώτες γνώμες των ειδικών:

-- Richard Parkinson (British Musuem): "Thanks to this discovery we can say that the reconstruction did byFarina is wrong. The pieces must be replaced in a different wayusing the technologies that we have at our dispossal in London.We are now able to do a better job than that was possible70 years ago"

-- Bridget Leach (British Museum): "The papyrus have been restored in antiquitity. Can you see theseembroidery flosses? There is glue of animal origin, that can causemany damages"

-- Eleni Vassilika (Turin Museum): "This is a very significant discovery. It is possible that we musthave to do a revision of the dates of the dynasties and to addnames of pharaohs".

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