Sunday, 30 January 2011

Κραυγές αγωνίας για την Αίγυπτο

"...Φοβάμαι τούς ανθρώπους πού μέ καταλερωμένη τή φωλιά πασχίζουν τώρα νά βρούν λεκέδες στή δική σου...Φέτος φοβήθηκα ακόμη περισσότερο"

(Μανόλης Αναγνωστάκης, Φοβάμαι, 1983). Όταν σκουριασμένα και απολυταρχικά μυαλιά οδηγούν την κατάσταση στα άκρα, τα χειρότερα πρέπει να τα περιμένουμε... Ενώνουμε τη φωνή μας με τις κραυγές αγωνίας συναδέλφων ανά τον κόσμο για μια γρήγορη εκτόνωση της κατάστασης, χωρίς άλλους νεκρούς και καταστροφές μνημείων του παγκόσμιου πολιτισμού.

"Looters destroy mummies in Egyptian Museum"

[Submitted by Billy Morin]
"Thugs Loot Egyptian Museum" -- images:

Stills from Al Jazeera's video of the damage at the Egyptian museum
in Cairo also at:

"Al-Jazeera has broadcast video of the damage at the National Museum,
aka Egyptian Museum. The strange thing about these images is that they
demonstrate that the damage is certainly more than a few mummies,
which which is what Reuters reported that Zahi Hawass, chairman of
the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said (..) "
[Submitted by Ingeborg Waanders]
Video, with from 24 seconds onward, inside the Egyptian Museum,
Cairo, including a short interview with Zahi Hawass:
[Submitted by Alexandra von Lieven]
"(..) Wie der Generalsekretär der ägyptischen Altertümerverwaltung, Zahi Hawass, sagte, wurden die weltberühmten Ausstellungsstücke um Tutenchamun nicht beschädigt. Ein Team von der Fernsehnachrichtenagentur APTN berichtete, dass mindestens zehn
Kunstgegenstände aus ihren Vitrinen genommen und zerstört worden seien. Vom frühen Morgen an sicherten Soldaten das Gebäude. Das Museum wird zurzeit aber nicht nur von Vandalen bedroht, sondern auch vom Feuer in der benachbarten Zentrale der Regierungspartei NDP. Die Parteizentrale war im Lauf der Demonstrationen am Freitag in Brand gesteckt worden; das Feuer war auch am Samstag noch nicht endgültig gelöscht. Hawass beobachtete vor Ort die Versuche der Feuerwehr, das brennende Parteigebäude zu löschen. "Wenn das Haus zerstört wird, fällt es auf das Museum", fürchtete er. (..) Aus Furcht vor Plünderungen zogen die ägyptischen Streitkräfte auch an anderen historische Stätten auf. Die Pyramiden von Giseh
wurden für Touristen gesperrt und abgeriegelt. Der Archäologe Kent Weeks aus Luxor berichtete von Gerüchten, dass Angriffe auf die dortigen Welterbestätten geplant seien. Auch um das Museum zogen Panzer auf. Am Tempel von Karnak wurden Sperren errichtet. "

This info is also in this report:

[Submitted by Kat Newkirk]
"Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by army soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said Saturday. Zahi Hawass said the vandals did not manage to steal any of the museum's antiquities, and that the prized collection was now safe and under military guard. (..) The military has dispatched armored personnel carriers and troops
to the Pyramids of Giza, the temple city of Luxor and other key archaeological monuments. (..)
The prized King Tutankhamun exhibit had not been damaged and was safe, he [ZH] said.
An Associated Press Television News crew that was allowed into the museum saw two vandalized mummies and at least 10 small artifacts that had been taken out of their glass cases and damaged. (..) Archaeologist Kent Weeks, who is in the southern temple town
of Luxor, said that rumors that attacks were planned against monuments prompted authorities to erect barriers and guard Karnak Temple while tanks were positioned around Luxor's museum."
[Submitted by Kat Newkirk]
"The Egyptian Museum overlooking Tahrir Square in Cairo's city center was vandalized Friday night by nine convicts, who broke artifacts and attempted to steal two mummies. Convicts were forced to leave the mummies behind when they broke into pieces as they carried the ancient artifacts towards the museum doors. A reporter from Al-Masry Al-Youm's Arabic edition saw the damage this morning and Al-Arabeya news channel has been showing the first footage shot within the museum Saturday afternoon. Glass display cases were broken, although the ancient Egyptian jewels inside were not taken. Statues were broken into pieces and sarcophagi
were displaced. Zahi Hawass, the Head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, made
a statement this morning that all the artifacts were still in the museum, although many had been broken. According to Hawass, about 1,000 people looted the museum's gift shop and grounds. Later nine people carrying mummy skulls were arrested as they tried to leave through emergency exits. Hawass said he believes the artifacts can be reconstructed as nothing
was removed from museum grounds, but he is worried about museums throughout Egypt in areas where people have evacuated. The army has not yet answered his calls to protect the nation's artifacts, he said. According to Gihane Zaki, professor of Egyptology at the Faculty of
Tourism and director of international cooperation at the Supreme Council of Antiquities said, "They broke everything even the Tutankhamen treasures and all the gold artifacts. I am extremely worried for the two museums that I am in charge of: The Nubian Museum and the one in Fustat."
Πηγή: Electronic Egyptological Forum

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