Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Congference: (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt, Université de Liège (Belgium), Feb 6-8, 2013

Tradition is central to Egyptology, yet individual traditions in textual, artistic and material production still await critical treatment, and methodological frameworks for analysis are emergent. This conference seeks to address these issues in highlighting diachronic, diatopic and socio-cultural aspects of ancient Egyptian traditions within the framework of (re)productivity. Papers are welcome which address the emergence, transmission and expiration of traditions with a focus on micro-analysis of artistic, textual or archaeological material and which contribute to the investigation of common parameters for talking about cultural production in ancient Egypt.

A number of invited speakers (specialists in text, art-history and material culture) have been confirmed for the conference:
  • Tamás Bács (Budapest) - Traditions old and new: artistic production of the late Ramesside period.
  • Whitney Davis (UC Berkeley) - Ancient Egyptian Illusion.
  • Christiana Köhler (Vienna) - Non-elite funerary culture in early Memphis.
  • Gabriele Pieke (Berlin)- Lost in Transformation: Artistic Creation between Permanence and Change.
  • Pascal Vernus (Paris) - The dialectic of productivity and reproductivity as a conceptual framework for refining the (socio)linguistic concept of égyptien de tradition.
  • Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert (Leipzig) - If A, then B - Cross genre correspondences in early wisdom, medical, mathematical, and dream texts.
Abstracts should be no more than one page in length (incl. bibliography, if needed) and will be reviewed by a selection committee. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15th October 2012, with notification of acceptance by the end of October.

Please send all abstracts to tjgillen@ulg.ac.be

More detailed information can be found at the conference website: http://www.egypto.ulg.ac.be/a4.htm

Organising committee
Todd Gillen
Dimitri Laboury
Stéphane Polis
Jean Winand

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