Thursday, 26 September 2013

JEA Editor-in-Chief - expressions of interest sought

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology has been the flagship publication of the Egypt Exploration Society since its inauguration in 1914. As the Journal approaches its 100th issue The Trustees are seeking to appoint a new Editor-in-Chief to ensure it remains at the forefront of publishing in Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology whilst meeting the challenges posed by open-access and the transition to a mixed print and digital environment.
The successful candidate will be an Egyptologist with a strong background in a broad range of Egyptological and archaeological topics, a proven track-record of producing high-quality research, and appropriate publishing or editing experience. The role will include:
-- Checking that submissions are suitable for JEA
-- Arranging for peer review via two academic referees, one or both of whom may be drawn from the Editorial Board
-- Evaluating peer reviewers' reports, and, in consultation with the Editorial Board where appropriate, making the decision as to whether or not to publish based on their advice
-- Relaying the decision and advice to the contributor
-- Liaising with the editors of the Society's other publications to ensure co-ordination across the full range of titles and series
At the outset the new Editor-in-Chief will also, with the Society's Director, assemble an international Editorial Board of scholars, to provide the necessary expertise across the full range of specialisms
within Egyptology. The Society plans to review the Journal's editorial policy alongside that of its other publications during 2014 to ensure that it can maintain its leading role in Egyptological and archaeological scholarship for many years to come, and the successful candidate will be expected to play a guiding role in this.
The Editor-in-Chief will report to the Society's Director and will be paid an honorarium of c. £3-5,000 per volume.
Potential candidates are invited to submit an expression of interest to the Director, Dr Chris Naunton, by e-mail (, no later than 12pm (BST) on Friday 18 October.
For further information about the Journal please see

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